Chris Collins aka Logan Linden interviewed by Aussia paper; "... could be excused for thinking he has the best job not just in this world, but in at least one other as well. As technical assistant to Philip Rosedale, the chief executive officer at Linden Lab, Mr Collins is the right-hand man to someone with responsibility for the destiny of more than 10 million virtual people in Second Life. But such god-like notions are not reflected into the day-to-day activity of Perth-born Mr Collins, whose main role is to be Mr Rosedale's shadow. "I go to meetings with him, or instead of him, and I'm there to follow up with any corporate contacts that he meets," Mr Collins says. "And I get involved in a lot of the strategic decision-making that we do at Linden Lab. It's given me the opportunity to be fully exposed to all facets of the corporation, and then after this position, to go off and be able to run something myself in the company."..."Of potentially even greater impact, however, is the open-sourcing of Second Life's software. Linden Lab has already released an open-source version of the client software and is set to do the same for the server. This means groups will be able to host their own Second Life data. "The idea is to give more and more information out - open up the client and server to allow for people to do more and more - and change it to how they want it." www.theage.com.au/news/biztech/shadow-role-out-of-this-world/2008/03/03/1204402367641.html
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