Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Help Someone Cash-in their Lindens and Make Money

openPR) - The new "euroSLEX Partner Network" started today allows to make money in Second Life, even without being online. This is how it works: the partners put advertising objects of euroSLEX, the European trading platform for Linden-Dollars, on their land in Second Life. In exchange they receive a referral fee based on the commission paid by the customers referred by them. And the euroSLEX Partner Network is not your average affiliate program: Here, partners receive direct and indirect referral fees, full transparency, as well as up-to-date and detailed statistical data for optimising their new source of income. The offer is specifically targetet at the owners of Sims, Malls, Shops, Clubs etc. in Second Life. Their advantage - besides the referral fees, obviously - is an increase of purchasing power of their customers by offering them an easy access to the euroSLEX exchange. In addition, they gain access to detailed statistics about the traffic in their region.

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