Monday, February 18, 2008

realXtend's Viewer Better Than Second Life's

The realXtend viewer is a heavily modified version of the Linden Labs' Second Life client. Second Life has an impressive set of building and communications features, which make the client a good starting point for experimental development. The realXtend viewer is meant to showcase the important new features such as complex 3d meshes and document sharing that the realXtend / OpenSim server already support. The choice of platforms was quite logical, because OpenSim based systems are compatible with the Second Life client. The realXtend viewer will continue to function as a bridge between the regular Second Life's feature set and the new features of the realXtend platform and the project will live on even though most of the resources will be allocated to the OpenViewer. The OpenViewer is a project for creating an entirely new client designed to work with the OpenSim servers and realXtend architecture. Its development will be a co-operation between various parties involved with realXtend and OpenSim.

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